

EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) has published its latest report on pesticide residues in food, 发现95.5% of food samples tested in 2018 fell below permitted maximum residue levels. While the Covid-19 pandemic may be impacting testing carried out in 2020, 继续测试仍然很重要.


每年, European member states are required to provide data on pesticide residues found in foods as part of the EU’s coordinated survey of food samples. 这些样品是随机选择的商品食品的混合物, 以及那些之前有违规行为的人.

EFSA’s latest report on pesticide residues in food found that for 2018, 95.5%的食品样本低于允许的最高水平. For the samples randomly selected as part of the EU-coordinated control program, 98.6%在允许范围内. A dietary risk assessment carried out on this data suggests that the foodstuffs analysed in 2018 are highly unlikely to pose a concern for consumer health.

The report continues to provide critical information for risk managers as reassurance when deciding on appropriate control measures. Several recommendations are also proposed to ensure a continued high level of consumer protection, 例如优化可追溯性.

点击链接阅读EFSA报告全文: 2018年欧盟关于食品中农药残留的报告


期待, some EU member state authorities have expressed concern about their capacity to carry out food residue tests in 2020 due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The European Commission has t在这里fore agreed to relax some of the rules around food residue testing until the June 1, 2020.

直到6月1日, 测试可在任何设备合适的实验室进行, 而不仅仅是那些被官方认可的. 规例(EC号)临时修订. (396/2005)及. (1107/2009)以适应这一变化.


It is vital for the pesticides industry to work together with member state authorities to ensure that appropriate control measures for consumer residues exposure are in place. 钱柜平台可以在MRL遵守的各个方面提供帮助, from study management to dossier preparation and liaising with regulating authorities.


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